We Make Every Effort to See You When YOU Need to be Seen

The doctor will see you…. now?!

What does this mean? ‘Now’ is defined as at the present time or moment. Or, after this time at the next moment. What does that have to do with Sunflower Dermatology and Medical Day Spa? Well, we pride ourselves on our ability to see patients timely. Our goal is to help patients ‘today or tomorrow.’ That means if you call our office, we will make every effort to see you when YOU need to be seen. This matters to all of our patients.

In our Amazon Prime world, we have had our expectations changed in order to accommodate our ever changing world wrapped around convenience. Why is the average time to see a dermatologist in the USA 33 days when I can get a package delivered to my house in 1-2 days. I don’t think convenience trumps everything, but I do think that it should be easy to see your doctor.

From the patient angle, there is zero benefit for the patient to have it be hard to be seen or to make an appointment. We understand that a frictionless experience is the best experience. How do we do this? Early hours, later hours, planned scheduling. We hire providers early vs late so that we can always be ahead when it comes to growth. I just can’t stand making people in need wait because we can’t figure out how to do things that are important. This is our ultimate goal in order to provide better skin for a better life®. Our mission is to provide exemplary care in a timely manner to engaged patients. Timely for us and our goal is ‘today or tomorrow.’ Perfect is not our goal but being ‘better’ is. Each day. Drip by drip. Do you want better skin for a better life®? If so we will see you today or tomorrow!

Sunflower Dermatology and Medical Day Spa offers comprehensive skin care
for all types of skin conditions.

To Request an appointment fill out the form below and one of our staff will contact you to confirm.

If you prefer to request an appointment by phone please call 816.533.7576. 

We look forward to seeing you!

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